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Landscape Schedules
Hearing of submissions and further submissions made on the Variation to the Queenstown Lakes Proposed District Plan: Priority Area Landscape Schedules
General Hearing Information
The Hearing Panel:
Commissioners: Jane Taylor (Chair), Peter Kensington and Councillor Quentin Smith
Jane Taylor (Chair)
Jane was appointed as an Independent Hearings Commissioner for QLDC in 2006. To date she has chaired or been on the panel of more than 90-100 hearings in the district. These have included for resource consent applications, Notices of Requirement for designations, and Plan Changes. Jane is a well-known and respected hearing commissioner in the district. She has an extensive working knowledge of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the QLDC District Plan.
Peter Kensington
Peter is an experienced resource management practitioner, having worked for twenty-five years throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Originally from Te Papa-i-Oea, Palmerston North, Peter is a director at KPLC Limited, following earlier roles at the Christchurch City Council, the Wellington City Council, the Tāmaki Makaurau office of Boffa Miskell Limited and the Auckland Council.
He has qualifications and expertise in planning and landscape architecture, and he is a full member of Te Kokiringa Taumata / the New Zealand Planning Institute and a registered member of Tuia Pito Ora / the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA). Peter has served as an elected member of the NZILA national executive committee, and he has judged at NZILA awards.
Deputy Mayor Quentin Smith
Quentin is elected to the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Ward. With a strong background working in Environmental Management, Recreation, Planning and Local Government, he is passionate about helping Wānaka to manage the extraordinary growth it is experiencing. He is committed to a well informed and strategic approach to planning for our future.
Minutes and Memoranda
Council recommends using a different colour text if adding any new recommendations in the word documents to make the changes sought clear.
Section 42A report
Council's Expert Evidence
Submitter pre-lodged evidence and legal submissions
Lay Written Statements
Council Rebuttal
Expert Witness Conferencing
Council's legal submissions
Submitter Legal Submissions
Presented at hearing
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Hearing minutes
Hearing recordings
Depending on your sound quality of your device, these recordings may be best heard through headphones.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8