Resource Consents

Whakaaetaka Rawa Taiao

A resource consent from QLDC is a written approval for you to carry out an activity on a particular site that is not ‘Permitted’ by the District Plan. Activities that are not permitted may have adverse effects upon the environment and/or on people.

The Resource Management Act, the District Plan, National Policy Statements and National Environmental Standards provide the planning framework for resource consents. These outline what can be undertaken as a permitted activity, what activities you need resource consent for, and how applications for resource consents are assessed.

Please note that you may need to apply for both a building consent and a resource consent. Despite having a building consent, you may not be able to build without a resource consent and vice versa.

Applications must be lodged separately and are considered under different legislation. Some resource consent conditions or district plan requirements require building work to satisfy the requirement for which building consent is needed too.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We deal with two types of consents: Subdivision and Land Use consents.

    1. A subdivision consent is needed to legally divide land or buildings for separate ownership.

    2. A land use consent may be needed for particular activities that are not permitted, such as extending or constructing a new building, establishing a new activity, erecting signage or undertaking earthworks.

    If your project does not comply with the District Plan or a National Environmental Standard, approval by way of resource consent is required.

    The Otago Regional Council administers other types of resource consents including water permits, discharge permits, residential earthworks and activities within the beds of lakes and rivers. Some developments may require resource consent from both the ORC and QLDC. 

  • There are a number of steps to figuring out whether a proposal requires resource consent. These are detailed in the below steps.

    1. Firstly, check the zoning of the property. This can be done via checking the Council GIS.

    2. Once you have identified the zoning of the property, check the District Plan and National Environmental Standards as to whether your project requires resource consent.

    3. There are two types of exemptions from the need for resource consent – boundary activities and marginal non-compliances.

  • If you have followed the above steps and you still have questions, please check our Practice Notes and Guidance Sheets which may assist.

    If your question is about the resource consent process, the Ministry for the Environment has a number of guides which provide information about the resource consent process.

  • Click here for more information on costs and timeframes.



If your query is about existing or previous resource consents or building consents relating to a property, these can be reviewed via eDocs - eDocs is the Council's online electronic record system. 

All of the Council's current and historical property information is saved on eDocs and you can search via property address or using specific building or resource consent reference.

Duty Planner

The QLDC Duty Planner is available to provide 10 minutes free assistance for the following types of queries:

  • Confirmation of the zoning of a property

  • Providing interpretation assistance of District Plan provisions (rules, objectives and policies)

  • Providing an outline of the resource consent process

  • Providing assistance in relation to a s37 notice on a building consent

The Duty Planner cannot provide advice as to the likelihood of obtaining a resource consent for a project, nor detailed information as to what consents are required for a proposal.

If you have a query about any of the above for the Duty Planner please complete this form and we’ll come back to you as soon as possible.  

If you would like to chat with a Duty Planner in person, you may do so at the following times:


Wednesday’s, 10am - 2pm




Call: 03 441 0499


Pre-application meeting

QLDC offers a pre-application meeting service. This allows applicants and any specialists to meet with Council staff or consultants who provide feedback relating to a specific proposal and the information that may be required as part of the resource consent process.

Pre-application meetings are highly recommended for more complex applications.

The meeting process is confidential to encourage discussions at the early stages of a project. Formal decisions cannot be made during or on the basis of the pre-application meeting; and any representations made by the Council are not legally binding.

Click here for more information or to apply for a pre-application meeting.

Land Information Memorandum (LIM)

If you’re looking at purchasing a property or considering a development, a LIM report will provide information held by QLDC about a specific property.

The LIM will include information about hazards, services, rates, health, building and planning information for the property.

If you’re considering whether to purchase a property, it’s important that you get a LIM as it may include information to assist with your decision

For more information or to apply, click here.

Project Information Memorandum (PIM)

If you have a building design sorted, a PIM report will detail what authorisations are required for your project.

A PIM check will provide the proposal with a planning check prior to the Building Consent application and will check the proposal against underlying resource consents, consent notices and the District Plan.

A PIM can help you decide whether your planning and building project is possible and practical, and will help you and your designer create effective plans.

If you’re proposing to undertake any building work, it’s recommended that you obtain a PIM.

For projects on difficult sites (or larger projects such as new commercial or industrial buildings) a PIM may prove very useful in establishing the feasibility and design of your project. It may prevent delays and reduce costs in the design of your proposal before getting to the building consent stage.

For more information or to apply, click here.

Expert Assistance

If you need additional information or assistance on a resource consent or the development potential of a property, it is recommended that you seek the help of an independent planning or resource management consultant. They will be able to provide detailed planning advice on a specific property or proposal and can prepare and lodge resource consent applications on behalf of applicants.

Surveyors are also able to provide assistance on subdivision and engineering related matters, including lodgement of subdivision consents.