Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Change Dog Registration Details

Panoni kā taipitopito rēhita kuri

If your pooch has moved house, or recently been microchipped or neutered, you can update their details using the form below before you renew their registration. You can also download the form and fill it out at home.

Key considerations

If your dog isn’t microchipped within two months of its registration, you may be issued a $300 infringement notice. Find out more on our microchipping page.

If your dog has passed away and you would like a refund, please fill out our dog registration refund form.

Got more than two dogs registered at your property? Don't forget you're required to apply for a permit. Please submit it separately by email or in person at your local QLDC office.

Change dog registration details

Contact Details

Please provide this if applicable.

What details would you like to update?

Confirmation of details

Scuttlemutt is an online newsletter sent to dog owners in the Queenstown Lakes every six months, featuring the latest information on everything from upcoming registration periods to cool dog-related events we're hosting in the district.

Privacy Notice

We will collect personal information from you for the purposes of processing the request under this form. We will use your email to respond to your enquiry and not for any other purpose. All personal information is treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.