Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Have your say on alcohol licence applications

Tukua ō whakaaro mō ngā tono raihana waipiro

There are a number of ways you can input into the alcohol licensing process.

  • Applications for on-licences, off-licences, and club licences must be publicly advertised to notify the community.

    Public notices for applications within the Queenstown Lakes District are published online here

    A copy of the notice will also be placed at the principal entrance of the premises for a period of at least ten days following the online publication date.

  • From 31 August 2023, anyone can object to an application for a licence, licence renewal, variation of licence conditions or special licence, with narrow exceptions for trade competitors and their surrogates.

    Objections to the issue of a licence must relate to matters specified in section 105 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act, and objections to the renewal of a licence must relate to matters specified in section 131 of the Act. 

    Examples of what you can object to:

    • suitability of the applicant

    • days and hours alcohol is proposed to be sold

    • days and hours the club premises will be used for club activities

    • proposed designation of the premises (whether minors will be allowed on the premises)

    • lack of enforcement for the minimum age requirements

    • lack of non-alcoholic refreshments and/or availability of food

    • the sale and supply of goods and services other than alcohol or food

    • it is considered that the application would contribute to harm in the community and is outside the object of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012

    • the design and layout of any proposed premises

    • whether the “amenity and good order of the locality” would be reduced by more than a minor extent

    • whether the “amenity and good order of the locality” is already badly impacted by existing alcohol licences

    • whether the applicant has capable, well-trained staff and good systems in place to meet their responsibilities when supplying alcohol

    Trade Competitors

    A trade competitor (anyone who holds a licence to sell alcohol) cannot object if their objection is about trade. Surrogates of a trade competitor are also prohibited from objecting. A surrogate is a person who receives or is likely to receive direct or indirect help from a trade competitor to object to an application.

    Whoever is hearing the application will decide if someone is a trade competitor or surrogate – either a district licensing committee (DLC) or the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA).

    How to object

    Your objection must be in writing and submitted to QLDC within 25 working days of the public notice being published online.   

    Send objections to: 


    Attn: Secretary of the District Licensing Committee
    Alcohol Licence Objection
    Queenstown Lakes District Council 
    Private Bag 50072
    Queenstown 9348

    More Information

    More information on how to object to an alcohol licence application, what grounds you can object on, and how to make a complaint about a licensed premises can be found at ActionPoint.

    ActionPoint is an informative website delivered by Alcohol Healthwatch, an organisation dedicated to reducing and preventing alcohol-related harm in Aotearoa through effective health promotion.

  • A District Licensing Committee hearing is a legal process similar to a court hearing. 

    It is a public hearing so anyone can attend. If you have lodged an objection to an application, you will have the opportunity to speak in front of the committee.  

    Hearing dates are advertised as part of our monthly meeting schedule.   

    Monthly Meeting Schedule.

  • Licensed premises are required to serve alcohol responsibly at all times and to follow good host responsibility practices. Please contact us if you have any concerns about a licensed premises. 


    Or phone 03 441 0499 (Queenstown) or 03 443 0024 (Wānaka).

    You'll need to provide the following information: 

    • your name

    • your contact phone number

    • the best time for us to contact you

    • name of the licensed premises

    • address of the premises

    • your concerns (provide as many details as possible, including the date and time of any specific incidents)
