How to use the District Plan

Council commenced a staged review of its District Plan in 2015. To date, three stages of the Proposed District Plan (PDP) have been publicly notified, hearings held and decisions notified.

There are outstanding appeals in relation to some of the Proposed District Plan provisions within all three of the stages. Consequently, for some projects, resource consent is required under both the Operative and Proposed District Plans.

Proposed District Plan

The easiest way to determine which rules apply to your project is to follow these steps:

  1. Select the Proposed District Plan and select a PDP chapter.

  2. Review the rules within the chapter which relates to the Proposed District Plan zoning of the property (e.g. Lower Density Suburban Residential Zone). There may also be rules within the District Wide chapters which are of relevance to your proposal (eg, Earthworks or Transport).

  3. Once you have completed Step 2, then check through the same rules in the PDP Annotated Appeals chapters version to see if there are any outstanding appeals on those rules. If any rules apply to your project are shown in red, it means that the rule is under appeal and the rules under the Operative District Plan will also need to be considered. When comparing the two versions of the rules, the more restrictive version of the rule will apply. If you need assistance, please email:

  4. If your project is listed as an activity which requires a controlled, restricted discretionary, discretionary or non-complying activity consent, then resource consent will be required.

  5. If your project does not comply with one or more of the relevant standards within the Zone chapter or any of the District Wide chapters, resource consent will be required.

If the GIS does not identify a zoning for your property under the Proposed District Plan, the property has not yet been included in the District Plan review and you will only need to apply for consent under the Operative District Plan (if your activity requires consent).

Operative District Plan

The easiest way to determine which rules apply to your project is to follow these steps:

  1. Select Volume 1 of the Operative District Plan.

  2. Review the rules within the section which relates to the Operative District Plan zoning of the property (e.g. Low Density Residential Zone). There may also be District Wide provisions which are relevant to your proposal (eg, Earthworks or Transport).

  3. If your project is listed as an activity which requires a controlled, restricted discretionary, discretionary or non-complying activity consent, then resource consent will be required.

  4. If your project does not comply with one or more of the relevant site or zone standards within the Zone section or any of the District Wide sections, resource consent will be required.
