Black ice is present throughout the network following recent rainfall. We expect it to affect our roads for the rest of the week. Grit trucks are currently patrolling and gritting priority roads and will work through the network as they can. Updates available on our Facebook page.

Friday, 05 August 2022

Joint operation to target rabbit numbers in Wānaka reserves

A joint rabbit control operation by QLDC and the Department of Conservation is underway.


A joint rabbit control operation by Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) and the Department of Conservation (DOC) is underway in reserve land adjacent to Albert Town, Hikuwai and Northlake, with QLDC also undertaking control work at the old oxidation ponds at 101 Ballantyne Road, and in Luggate Park.

The operations involve toxic Pindone carrot baits placed on the ground within the reserves to comply with the Otago Regional Council's Pest Management Plan. 

Things to note about this operation:

  • This operation will start any time from Tuesday 9 August 2022. The timing of these operations is weather dependant

  • Operations are expected to require up to three toxic applications, each estimated to be four days apart

  • QLDC strongly advises all to exercise caution if entering any of these areas when baits have been applied  

  • People should avoid touching the baits or removing carcasses from the targeted areas

  • If near an area in which the rabbit control operation is underway, dog owners should keep their dogs under close control or on a leash

  • Tracks and official entrances to reserves affected by these rabbit control operations will be clearly signposted when bait is laid.

Local schools, vets, medical centres and childcare centres have been notified of these operations. 

Private landowners are also carrying out rabbit control on their land and will have signage in place, as QLDC does not carry out rabbit control on land it does not manage.

More information on QLDC and DOC’s rabbit control operations can be found at

If you have any questions or concerns about this operation, please contact QLDC by emailing or calling the QLDC Parks Service Delivery Manager on 03 443 0024. 


Media contact: or call 03 441 1802.

FURTHER INFORMATION | Kā pāroko tāpiri: