Apply for a New Title

Tonoa tētahi taitara hou

Once you have an approved Resource Consent that allows you to subdivide your section, you can apply for new titles.

Follow these steps once you receive your approved Resource Consent. Your surveyor can help guide you through this process.

  • Engineering Acceptance must be completed prior to works commencing onsite as outlined in the resource consent conditions and prior to application for s223 and s224(c).

    For more details on this, head over to our Engineering Acceptance page.

  • Once subdivision consent is issued an applicant has five years to lodge a survey plan with Council. This plan is prepared by an independent registered surveyor showing the boundaries, areas, and if relevant any easements, amalgamations and covenants that need to be prepared.

    If the plan is in accordance with that approved by Council as part of the subdivision consent, then a s223 certificate approval will be issued. The plan can then be lodged with LINZ for approval. This lodgment is the responsibility of the applicant.

    Applicants should allow 10 working days for processing of a s223 certification application. This time frame will be extended where an application is incomplete, or the plan is not reflective of that originally approved by Council.

    Please fill out the s223 224c Application Form below and submit with the survey plan (other subdivision forms are available on the Application forms  page).

    Please upload via our Community Portal.

    Note: There is no requirement to include all the prior 224c conditions if you are only applying for the s223 certificate.

  • Once a s223 certificate has been signed by QLDC, an applicant then has a further three years from the date of signing to obtain a s224(c) certificate. A s224(c) certificate is a final approval from QLDC that all conditions of the subdivision consent have been complied with.

    Once engineering acceptance has been obtained and all the conditions of consent have been completed, you need to make a formal application for 224(c) certification once all works required as part of the subdivision have been completed.

    Please submit your 223 and 224c Application Form and s224c Checklist alongside all other information as required by the conditions of your consent for approval.

    Please upload via our Community Portal.

    To find out about initial fees and hourly fees payable for all signing and sealing certifications, please refer to our Resource Consent Fees schedule available on the Application forms page.

    The processing of a s224(c) certificate requires QLDC Officers and Engineers to undertake a site inspection, review the supporting documentation supplied with the application (including as built plans showing new services), confirmation that the relevant development contributions have been paid and undertake a check of each condition of resource consent to confirm that they have been complied to our satisfaction.

    Applicants should allow a minimum of 10 working days for processing of a s224(c) certification application. This time frame will be extended where an application is incomplete or further works are required to achieve compliance with resource consent conditions.

    Once we are satisfied that all conditions of subdivision consent have been complied with, then the s224(c) certificates will be signed. An applicant must then lodge this certificate and order a title from Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) to allow separate titles for the newly created lots to be issued.

    Please note that QLDC is not responsible for the application for new titles with LINZ– the subdivision consent holder or their agent must make this application.

  • Building platform

    If you have an approved Resource Consent that allows you to register a new Building Platform on your property, you will be required to submit:

    • A Land Transfer Plan – this is a plan your surveyor creates to show the new building platform and its relationship to the boundaries of your section.

    • A s108 Covenant – this is required to register the Land Transfer Plan on your title as well includes any on-going conditions that are required to be registered on your section.

    • A completed Building Platform Application Form.

    • Payment of Development Contributions.

     S243e Easement cancellation approval and certification

    Easements cancellations can be approved if you are able to provide evidence that they are no longer required by all the parties that either benefit or are burdened from the existing easement(s).

    You will need to submit:

    Additional information required:

    • Reasons for the cancellation (including):

      • Confirmation that the easement is no longer required.

      • What replacement easements are being created.

      • If there are no replacement easement, why (how will the other lots retain access/servicing?).

    • Description of the easements being cancelled in respect of the benefited and burdened lots

    • Copies of the Easement Instruments and Title Plans that created the original easements

    • A corresponding s243 certificate – this is required to be signed and then registered on the affected titles by a lawyer/solicitor (see below for template)

    These documents are also available for you to access on the Application forms and fees page.

    Vesting Roads and Reserves

    This means transferring the ownership and responsibility of newly constructed roads and reserves from a private developer to the local council. This ensures that roads and reserves become part of public infrastructure, maintained and managed by council. Vesting is part of the s224c application process, so no action is required, however, to find out more about vesting roads and/or reserves, please take a look at our Vesting of Roads and Reserves Policy.

  • Consent notices are ongoing conditions that must be registered on created sections.

    An applicant’s subdivision consent decision will set out if a consent notice is required and the conditions to be included in that notice.

    A consent notice, issued under Section 221 of the Resource Management Act must be provided by the applicant when applying for 224(c) certification.

    Please use the Consent Notice template (also available on the Application forms and fees page) and then upload and submit to us via The Community Portal.

    Cancellation of consent notices

    If the conditions contained within a consent notice have been fulfilled and the consent notice is no longer required, a developer can apply for a cancellation of a consent notice.

    Please use the relevant template depending on if a variation, partial cancellation or full cancellation is required (also available on the Application forms and fees page) and then upload and submit to us via The Community Portal.

  • If you have an approved Resource Consent that allows you to register a new Right of Way on your property, you will be required to submit:

    • A Land Transfer Plan – this is a plan your surveyor creates to show the new Right of Way on your section.

    • A s348 certificate – this is required to register the new Right of Way on your title.

    • A completed s348 application form.


    Please complete this documentation and upload via our Community Portal.

  • The Resource Management Act and the 224c process requires that If we, as the consent authority, are not satisfied with the performance of any consent condition, we may request a bond. This means that we, as the consent authority, have security over the performance being remedied within a certain timeframe, or in the event the holder does not complete the work to a satisfactory standard within that timeframe, we will then take over and complete the work.

    A typical example would be asphalt that hasn't met Council's CoP standards.

    How to apply to bond outstanding works

    QLDC will consider bonding on a case-by-case basis. Generally, we will not accept bonding of essential services (water, wastewater, stormwater or power) or transport infrastructure, including street name signs, road markings or road traffic signs. Please contact the Subdivision Officer to determine whether bonding is appropriate to your project’s circumstances.

    Any application to bond outstanding works must be accompanied by:

    • Explanation/justification for why works cannot be completed.

    • Clear details of outstanding works being bonded, including any related design plans with outstanding works clearly highlighted (where possible).

    • All related consent conditions for bonded works (including any applicable conditions for asbuilts, completion certification etc. associated with the outstanding).

    If bonding is acceptable, two independent quotes covering all outstanding works will be required (supplied by reputable contractors, external to the developer). The bond value shall be a minimum of 1.5 times the highest amount of the two quotes.

    Please use the Bond Template (also available on the Application forms and fees page) and submit this to QLDC via the Community Portal for approval.
