Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Temporary event signage

On this page you'll find everything you need to know about temporary signage for your event.

Rules for signage

This means any sign established for the purpose of advertising or announcing a single forthcoming temporary event, function or occurrence including carnivals, fairs, galas, market days, meetings, exhibitions, parades, rallies, filming, sporting and cultural events, concerts, shows, musical and theatrical festivals and entertainment.

It does not include electioneering signs, real estate signs, construction signs, a land development sign, off-site sign or temporary sale sign.

Signage rules for temporary events

  • Established no more than two months prior to the date of the event;

  • Have an area no greater than 2m², or 3m² if a Banner;

  • Are removed within 24 hours of completion of the event;

  • Are limited to two signs fronting any State Highway and two signs fronting other roads;

  • Must be for the purpose of advertising or announcing a single forthcoming temporary event;

  • Are located on the site that the event is to be held on; and

  • Are not located within the road reserve.

For more details, please take a look at the Operative District Plan rules for signage.

Banners and flags

QLDC manages a range of banner and event signage opportunities across the district. This is using street lighting infrastructure and purpose built QLDC-controlled structures for the promotion of events. Bookings are essential for all flag and banner sites.

Our sites include:

  • Banner over Horne Creek – Queenstown

  • Streetlight Flags – Queenstown

  • Streetlight Flags – Wānaka

  • Event Sign at Wānaka Showgrounds – Wānaka

To book: