Upper Clutha Safety Improvements Programme

Work to improve roads and intersections in several locations around Wānaka and the Upper Clutha.

About the programme of works

We’re upgrading several intersections and roads around Wānaka and the Upper Clutha as part of a continuing programme of works with NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi to improve safety for road users in the area.

These road safety improvements are partially funded by NZTA as part of New Zealand’s national road safety strategy.

Projects underway

  • Work on a new roundabout at the intersection of Ballantyne Road and Riverbank Road in Wānaka will provide a safer environment for all road users in the area and enhance connectivity for active travel along a section of Ballantyne Road through to Wastebusters. The project also includes raised safety tables on all lanes leading into the roundabout and upgrades to stormwater management in the area.


    What’s the latest?

    Friday 18 October 2024

    Work on the northern section of the new roundabout finishes today and Riverbank Road will be open to through traffic between Ballantyne Road and Mt Iron Roundabout by the end of the day.

    Crews will immediately move to work on the other side of the future roundabout, and the southern section of Riverbank Road will be closed to through traffic between Ballantyne Road and Orchard Road. We’ve provided more details on this closure and the works below.


    Current closure: Northern section of Riverbank Road

    Work on the northern section of the new roundabout finishes on Friday 18 October, and Riverbank Road will be open to through traffic between Ballantyne Road and Mt Iron Roundabout by the end of the day.


    Road closure: Southern section of Riverbank Road (Friday 18 October – late November)

    By the end of Friday 18 October, crews will shift to work on the southern section of the intersection to finish remaining entry points for the new roundabout.

    Riverbank Road will be closed to through traffic between Ballantyne Road and Orchard Road until approximately Wednesday 20 November. Resident access will be available from Orchard Road.

    The rest of the intersection at Ballantyne Road and Riverbank Road will remain open to one lane of traffic, and stop/go will be operating in the area.

    Click here for a map of this closure.


    Night closures (late November)

    We’ll need to close the intersection of Ballantyne Road and Riverbank Road for two nights once work on the southern section of the roundabout is complete, so crews can apply the final layer of asphalt to the entire intersection.

    We’ll confirm a date for these closures closer to the time.


    Completion date

    We expect the new roundabout to be fully operational by late November 2024. This is later than initially planned, with delays to the project’s start date required to align timing and road closures with the nearby upgrade of the Mt Iron intersection, which subsequently resulted in a shutdown over winter.

    Delivery of the project has also been delayed by extended wet weather in September.


Completed projects

  • Work to construct a new roundabout and pedestrian refuge crossing at the intersection of Capell Avenue and Domain Road in Hāwea is now complete.

    We’d like to share a big thank you to everyone in the Hāwea community for your patience while we’ve worked to complete the new roundabout and pedestrian refuge island upgrade here.

  • Work to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Aubrey Road and Anderson Road was completed on Thursday 8 November 2023.

    The new roundabout includes a slightly amended road layout, new raised courtesy crossings to provide safe spaces for people walking to cross, and a connection for the soon-to-be-completed shared pathway on Anderson Road.

  • Work is underway to install over 9,000 metres of new safety barriers on Wānaka-Mount Aspiring Road and Cardrona Valley Road, with additional signage, minor earthworks and roadside improvements, road markings, and a range of landscaping and native planting included in the project.

    Find out more here.


Contact us

For any questions or concerns about these works, please contact QLDC by email at services@qldc.govt.nz or phone 03 443 0024.