Te Tapuae Southern Corridor

Te Tapuae

Guiding new development in the Southern Corridor south of Kawarau River, around Hanley's Farm, Jack's Point, and Homestead Bay.

About the project

We're drafting a structure plan for Te Tapuae Southern Corridor, the land that sits south of Kawarau River around Hanley's Farm, Jack's Point and Homestead Bay. It's one of six Priority Development Areas identified in the Queenstown Lakes Spatial Plan 2021 (QLSP).

This piece of work is one of the priorities of the Grow Well Whaiora Partnership, which is made up of representatives from QLDC, Kāi Tahu, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Internal Affairs, Otago Regional Council, and Kainga Ora.

QLSP outcomes:

  • Consolidated growth and more housing choice

  • Public transport, walking and cycling is the preferred option for our daily travel

  • A sustainable tourism system

  • Well-designed neighbourhoods that provide for everyday needs.

  • A diverse economy where everyone can thrive

What is a structure plan?

A structure plan guides development in an area to make sure it includes the infrastructure and services required, and to deliver what our community needs now, and will need in the future.

Why do we need a structure plan?

Development of land in Te Tapuae Southern Corridor is already underway, from Jack’s Point through to Hanley’s Farm and Parkridge. Creating a structure plan will make sure the houses, parks and reserves, services, and infrastructure our community needs are all considered and factored into the future of the area.

Development of this Structure Plan seeks to meet the Kāi Tahu outcomes, with Kāi Tahu playing an active role in its creation too.

Key priorities

Key priorities for Te Tapuae Southern Corridor include:

  • Well designed neighbourhoods that provide for everyday needs, including the increased provision of housing and housing choices, the supply of community infrastructure and reserves, and the future commercial needs of the area;

  • Future proofed access to more public transport routes and a network of walking and cycling trails;

  • Protect public access and biodiversity, and create new and enhanced green open spaces that connect people with Lake Whakatipu, the Remarkables, and Kawarau River;

  • Ensure the area is developed in a way that minimises emissions, embodied carbon and waste through good urban design;

  • Improve community resilience in a changing climate.

Our approach

Structure Planning happens over phases, so we’ll be working on this for some time to come. The result of this work will provide a basis for changes to the planning rules in QLDC’s District Plan and the strengthening of a network of developers and partners working together to achieve good outcomes for our people.

  • This is where our project team will gather information, talk with partners and stakeholders, and get a full understanding of the opportunities and constraints of the area.

  • This involves exploring and testing spatial design options, developing design principles, and engaging closely with partners, stakeholders, and the community. 

  • Once we’ve reviewed and incorporated community feedback, the project team will then refine the options into a Structure Plan and prepare the associated District Plan variation documents.

  • The draft Structure Plan will need to be endorsed by Full Council for public consultation. If endorsed, the consultation will take place over a 28 day period. This time period will include a range of addition community engagement opportunities to share details about the Plan, build further awareness in the community, and encourage people to provide feedback on the draft Structure Plan.

  • Community submissions will inform the final version of the Structure Plan. The Plan will need to go to Full Council for adoption.

    What happens after that:

    The final approved Structure Plan will form the basis of changes to rules in the District Plan. Any changes would be made under a plan change process (either a standard plan change process or the streamlined planning process) and will include further opportunity for community engagement and public submissions.


What’s the latest?

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Work continues on drafting a structure plan for Te Tapuae Southern Corridor, which includes further planning and investigations into what current and future communities need in the area.

A key part of this ongoing work is identifying how transport investment can be appropriately planned, staged, and funded through the structure planning process, as significant constrains existing across our roading network that cannot be solved by public transport and active travel alone.

We’ve provided more information on transport in our newsletter update this September, which you can read here.

Newsletter updates

Our September issue of Te Tapuae Southern Corridor newsletter includes all the latest information on how the draft Structure Plan is progressing, and updates on our transport network’s capacity and what we’re doing to identify transport investment in the area.

Te Tapuae Newsletter - Wednesday 25 September 2024

To get updates on the structure plan for Te Tapuae Southern Corridor emailed through to your inbox, simply share your name and email address using the button below.

What's next?

We're currently working to develop a draft of the structure plan for Te Tapuae Southern Corridor that we expect to complete in early 2025.

We'll then share it with the community and look to hear your thoughts on how best to guide development in the area. Watch this space!

Te Tapuae Southern Corridor structure plan is partially funded by the Government’s Better Off Funding which was established as part of the Three Waters Reform process. Central government set aside $500 million (nationwide) in Tranche 1 for councils to use to improve amenity and wellbeing outcomes for residents. This funding provides huge opportunity for councils to progress and accelerate projects while ensuring minimal impact to ratepayers.