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Project Tohu
Recloaking the shoulders of Coronet Peak Mauka mountain
Project Tohu is one of the largest revegetation programmes currently being undertaken in Aotearoa, transitioning from an ex-Douglas fir plantation (exotic species) into indigenous vegetation. This follows the successful harvest of Coronet Forest, carried out between January 2020 and May 2023, which removed over 90,000 tonnes of timber from the site and with it, a major wilding source.
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A mihi connects us to our whenua/provider/land, tīpuna/ancestors, and one another through time and space. A mihi is about respect, unity, and honouring the natural world that sustains people.
Te Reo Maōri
I raro kā korowai o Papatipu Rūnaka e whā o Murihiku
Kā mihi ki kā Rūnaka e whitu, kā Mana Whenua o Whakatipu Wai-Māori, Waiwhakaata, Wānaka me Hāwea
Mai i kā mauka, whakararo i te awa o Kawarau, Mata-Au, Taieri, Oreti, Mataura, Waiau, Aparima ki te moana!
Mai te arataki o kā tīpuna
E whakapūtake mō ā tātou mokopuna
I raro i kā Tapu Mauka o Kawarau, ki uta ki tai
Mai te kākano o te rakau, ka puta mai kā takata rakatira
I raro i tērā korowai,
Māori mā, Pākehā mā,
Mai te taha o te moana me te ngahere me te taiao,
Kā takata katoa
He waka eke noa tenei ki tua
Mō tātou, ā, mō ka uri ā muri ake nei.
English Translation
Under the cloak Ngāi Tahu Murihiku Rūnaka
We acknowledge the seven Rūnaka, the Mana Whenua of Whakatipu Wai-Māori, Waiwhakaata, Wānaka me Hāwea
From the mountains, down the Kawarau, Mata-Au, Taieri, Oreti, Mataura, Waiau, Aparima, to the sea
Guided by our ancestors
Spreading roots for our descendants
Under the sacred mountains of Kawarau, from the mountains to the sea
Just as we grow the seed, we grow the people
We wear the cloak of responsibility together
As Māori and as Pākehā
For our natural world
Everyone, together
This is awaka that we are all in, moving forward together
For us and our children after us
About the project
The project site covers 200 ha on the south facing slopes of Coronet Peak close to Arrowtown and rises to its highest point of 930m. Project Tohu, led by Council, will plant over 500,000 indigenous species of grasses, scrubs and trees. And in the future a community mountain bike trail network, horse and walking trails and local picnic areas will be available at the site for the community to enjoy.
We’re still in the early planning stages of this regeneration project. The first year of work involves site preparation and planning. A seven km fence line has been installed around the perimeter of the site and staged aerial spraying has been carried out to eliminate any established Douglas Fir seedlings. Pest control operations will happen in early March to support autumn planting which will continue over three years. Plant maintenance will continue from 2027-2030.
Project Tohu provides a unique opportunity to be a leading example of how large-scale ecological restoration can be successfully achieved within the Otago region and throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Downstream Effect
By reintroducing native vegetation to Coronet Peak and indigenising the whenua, this project actively works to safeguard the health of our Waiwhakaata waterways reaching from the Crown basin to entering our seas in Bluff.
Project Tohu site
Areas of indigenous planting planned over a three-year period.
Key: Green – year one, Blue – year two, Brown – year three.

Latest news
Great news! The Coronet Trail Network Plan was adopted by Council in September 2024. This shows all recreational trails proposed for the area which we’ve been working closely with the Coronet Forest Recreational Working Group to develop. The network plan will be implemented in stages as funding becomes available.
View the plan below.
Our Project Tohu
Our ‘Project Tohu’ illustration represents our three Ngāi Tahu tīpuna ancestors and our commitment to supporting Mana Whenua as kaitiaki guardians, in safeguarding their taonga and the treasures of Papatūānuku, the earth mother, for future generations.
A ‘Tohu’ is a guide, a sign, a marker that signifies a truth.

How to get involved
There will be many opportunities for the community to be involved with Project Tohu as the face of Coronet Forest is restored. QLDC and Te Tapu o Tāne look forward to sharing plans and celebrating milestones as they progress.
Our partners
He waka eke noa, we are all in this waka together
The contract to restore the biodiversity of Coronet Forest with natives was awarded to Te Tapu o Tāne and e3Scientific Limited in April 2024.
The Coronet Forest kaupapa is all about building on the partnership between QLDC, Mana Whenua, Te Tapu o Tāne and Citycare Property, as well as the kaimahi at e3Scientific.
We are excited to be working together with our partners and the community to reinstate beech forest to the slopes of the Coronet Range. Ultimately this project is about helping to restore and protect our local natural environment for generations to come.
We navigate tough and complex business challenges in the space of te taiao, landscape and construction, wholesale nurseries, business and strategy using tried and tested techniques across a range of greenspace sectors. We are proudly owned and governed by Papatipu Rūnanga o Murihiku, bringing forth the values of Mana Whenua tīpuna for the betterment of our communities.
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A kiwi owned social infrastructure organisation, delivering world class services to central and local governments across Aotearoa. We build, maintain, operate, and renew the places and the spaces that make our communities great to live.
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A New Zealand owned and operated environmental science consultancy.
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