Ladies Mile Masterplan

A Council-led Masterplan for the Te Putahi Ladies Mile area was adopted on 30 June 2022 as a way of ensuring a holistic approach to planning for this growing area of the Whakatipu Basin. Submissions on a District Plan Variation were held in May and June 2023, with hearings held on the matter in November and December 2024.

What's the latest?

An independent hearings panel shared its recommendation on Queenstown Lakes District Council’s (QLDC) Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation on Wednesday 13 March 2024.

For more information on the Variation, click here.

About the project

The Ladies Mile (Te Putahi) Corridor between Shotover River (Kimi-ākau) and Lake Hayes (Te
Whaka-ata a Haki-te-kura) is an area of significance for many locals, often seen as a gateway into Queenstown.  It is also an area of major strategic importance for Queenstown and the wider
lakes district.

Project aspirations and goals

    • Make the most of the opportunity to deliver highly efficient land use. This will include medium - medium/high density urban development.

    • Plan a high quality street network that promotes walking and cycling as the preferred way of getting around  locally and a range of transport options for getting to Frankton and further afield.   

    • Provide a framework through the masterplan process to inform decisions on a large range of potential land uses at Ladies Mile including housing, a mixed use local service centre, recreation and sports grounds, primary and secondary schools and a transport facilities. 

    • Promote a strong sense of ‘place’ and ‘identity’, taking inspiration from the landscape. This should also include high levels of liveability through quality urban design.

    • Celebrate the areas pioneer and Maori history in public spaces and with distinctive built form.

    • Promote sustainable living, for example    better outcomes for water quality and ecological systems, use of green technology, more transport choices that prioritise walking, cycling and public transport.

  • The objectives of the project are :

    • A land use solution is delivered in a timely, integrated and organised manner, avoiding individual applications

    •  Increased liveability, well-being and community cohesion for existing and future residents of the Ladies Mile area

    • Improved access to and from Ladies Mile with a transport network that can deliver its functions efficiently and effectively

    • Supporting enhanced public transport and walking and cycling options through land use solutions


Our approach

We've appointed a project team who will approach the process in three key stages:

  • This is the listening phase.  It's  where the project team will gather information, talk with stakeholders and get a full understanding  of the opportunities and constraints of the site.

    Having a thorough understanding of the history of the area and related workstreams and business cases will ensure that the key issues are already well-understood, and do not need to be re-canvassed.

  • This involves exploring and testing spatial design options, developing design principles and engaging closely with stakeholders and the community.  

  • At this point the project team will work through all feedback, refine the options into a Masterplan  and prepare the associated District Plan variation documents.     

    Community engagement will form an important part of developing the plan.  Here's what to expect: 


    Description of work

    Engagement with:

    Early August – end September 2020

    Introductions, overview of project and visioning exercises undertaken with landowners and stakeholders.

    Following the above the LMC team begin to workshop draft vision and design material

    Landowners, QLDC staff and stakeholders such as: Way to Go management team, NTZA (partner), Iwi (Partner), Central Government ministries and agencies, Lake Hayes Estate & Shotover Country Community Association, Queenstown Trail Trust

    October 2020

    Development and finalisation of consultation material

    Council workshop followed by specific workshops with landowners, key stakeholders (as above).

    November 2020

    Public Open days

    All public

    April 2021

    Draft masterplan and planning provisions ready for notification

    Council meeting

    April / May 2021

    Notification period of masterplan and planning provisions

    All public

    July 2021

    Adoption of masterplan and supporting documentation. Including approval of application to the Minister for a Streamlined Planning Process

    Council meeting












Consultation and Feedback

In August 2020 a consultant team was engaged by Council, and a Project Working Group, Project Control Group and Political Sounding Board were set up to oversee the development of the project. From August to November, consultation with affected landowners and stakeholders was undertaken to inform the development of a number of draft Masterplan options.

Over four days in November 2020, three options were made available to the public for their input via an online survey and through two public open day sessions held at Shotover Primary School.

The feedback received from this initial round of consultation identified traffic congestion as one of the main concerns of the community. Following a Council-held public meeting on this issue in January 2021, further traffic modelling was commissioned in early 2021.

In March 2021, Council resolved to notify a draft Masterplan, draft Transport Strategy and accompanying draft plan variation for non-statutory public consultation in April 2021. The consultation period ran for 20 working days.

The results of the community consultation period focused heavily on traffic congestion and the majority were in opposition to the draft Masterplan. At a Council meeting on 29 July 2021, Council directed that further work be undertaken on the plan provisions and other methods to consider a staged zoning approach that restricted development until the necessary transport interventions are confirmed.   

Since then, the Masterplan and draft planning provisions have been revised and a final masterplan was adopted on 30 June 2022.   

Formal consultation on the draft Planning Provisions will occur later in 2022.

Public open day feedback summary

Thanks to everyone who came along to our open days in November. 

Community Q&A

There were lots of interesting questions raised at a recent community info session.   We've provided answers to the questions - click on the link below to read more.  

Need more info?

If you have any questions about the project, please get in touch.