Library notice: Bullock Creek Lane closed for asphalting on Saturday 25 January and Saturday 1 February. Wānaka Library open to pedestrians. Limited parking available at the Lake Wānaka Centre.

Frankton Road Watermain Upgrades

Work to upgrade a section of the main trunk water supply line on Frankton Road, which delivers water to the wider Queenstown and Frankton areas.

About the project

The trunk main water supply pipeline running down Frankton Road transports large quantities of water to the wider Frankton and Queenstown areas, and is a critical part of our water supply network.

Unfortunately, a section of the existing pipe has broken several times in the past and continues to deteriorate. Without repairs, it will continue to burst, break, and leak in the future.

We’re starting work in on Monday 16 September 2024 to upgrade part of the trunk main on Frankton Road, to future-proof this critical piece of infrastructure, making it more reliable and easier to maintain in future.

Approximately 300 metres of a new and stronger pipe will be installed between 645 and 723 Frankton Road, along with a ridermain, and isolation valves.

Replacing the existing infrastructure with a stronger pipe will reduce the risk of future issues, extended water shutdowns in the area, and the potential for flooding to private properties. Installing isolation valves means less properties will be affected by a water shutdown if a leak or break occurs in the future.

Latest updates

Tuesday 10 November 2024

A water shutdown is planned for Wednesday 20 November between 7.30am and 6.00pm for the following properties:

716, and 748-790 Frankton Road
10 Perkins Road
4-10 Middleton Road
All properties on De La Mare Place


Friday 8 November 2024

We've finished installing the new rider main, and crews are now working to install the new water supply pipeline on Frankton Road between properties 655 and 723.

Access to these properties will be restricted at times over the next few weeks - find out more in the What to expect section below.

What to expect

Frankton Road will remain open to both lanes of traffic near the construction site, but as with any large construction project, some disruption should be expected in the area while we complete these upgrades.

Generally, additional noise, vibrations, and heavy vehicle movements should be expected as part of this work.

Other key disruptions to be aware of include:

Resident/property access on Frankton Road:

From Friday 8 November 2024, crews will be working to install the new water supply pipeline on Frankton Road between properties 655 and 723.

This work will be carried out in sections, and will mean we need to restrict access to properties that work is taking place in front of, between the hours of 8.00am and 5.30pm on weekdays. access to properties will be restricted between the hours of 8.00am and 5.30pm on weekdays when crews are working outside

Some delays should be expected when entering and exiting these properties while work is underway.

Water shutdowns:

Wednesday 20 November between 7.30am and 6.00pm for the following properties:

716, and 748-790 Frankton Road
10 Perkins Road
4-10 Middleton Road
All properties on De La Mare Place


Friday 22 November between 7.30am and 6.00pm for the following properties:

455-723, 558 and 594 Frankton Road
All properties on Potters Drive
All properties on Tiers Lane
All properties on Quartz Rise
All properties on Goldrush Way
All properties on Top Lane
All properties on Goldridge Way


Monday 25 November between 7.30am and 6.00pm for the following properties:

748-790 Frankton Road
10 Perkins Road


Pedestrian access:

Small pedestrian detours may be required at times to get people safely around the worksite, but we’ll share more details on this if and when they’re required.

Construction dates and times

Work on the Frankton Road watermain upgrades will start on Monday 16 September 2024 and be carried out in stages, as different parts of the new trunk main and ridermain are installed.

Crews will be working from Monday to Friday between the hours of 7.30am to 5.30pm.

Throughout the work, pressure tests and chlorination will be undertaken before water is allowed to be transported to households using the newly installed pipes.

This work is expected to take approximately three months to complete.

Contact us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this project, please contact QLDC by phone on 03 441 0499 or email at