Submissions from QLDC

Kā tāpaetanga nō QLDC

QLDC believes it is important that as a Council we ensure the communities views and best interests are reflected in the developments of Central Government and other official bodies. So we regularly review proposals for change, new laws, etc and from time to time (when appropriate) we will make a formal submission. When we do you can find these here. 

Due to the timeframes for consultation processes, submissions are typically endorsed retrospectively at the next Full Council meeting after the submission is due.

If you're interested in finding out more about consultation processes run by central government, its ministries and agencies, and what consultation and submission opportunities are coming up, you can visit the New Zealand Government Consultation listings webpage. Another resource to check out is the list of business before Select Committees, the groups within the New Zealand Parliament that consider a wide range of topics that affect all New Zealanders. You can find that list on the Business Before Committees Parliament webpage.

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