Wānaka residents are being asked to conserve water to avoid restrictions. Minimise sprinkler use & irrigation . Click for more tips on our water conservation page

Summary of changes

Consultation on the 2023-2024 Draft Annual Plan ran from 24 March–26 April 2023. During that time, 301 submissions were received and 57 submitters spoke at a public hearing in Wānaka. Of those submissions, 43 were community grant applications.

The consultation document presented submitters with a series of questions on the proposed changes to fees and charges and reprioritised Capex programme.

The majority of feedback received on the proposed fees and charges was either supportive or neutral.

Almost half (47%) of submissions on the capex programme either supported or had a neutral stance on the proposed approach, while 53% were opposed. Through the submissions there were a number of requests to bring specific projects forward, in particular stormwater improvements for Stone Street and Bullock Creek in Wānaka.

Unfortunately, these projects were not able to be brought forward to the 2023-2024 year, however, the timing of these projects will be reviewed further through the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan process which will include broader capex reprioritisation.

User fees

Changes to user fees and charges were endorsed as per the original proposal, with the exception of Sport and Recreation swim lane hire fees that were amended following community feedback.

Following the consultation, there’s been a proposed capital expenditure decrease of $1,180,741, and consequently a reduction in external capex grants revenue of $150,524

The existing Annual Plan 2023 to 2024 budget is $202,740,106. The budget changes per project are:

  • Wānaka Lakefront Development Plan: $2,181,623

  • Pembroke Park - Irrigation & field improvements: -$423,097

  • Arthurs Point to CBD Active Travel TRANSPORT CHOICES: -$3,465,419

  • Whakatipu Active Travel Low Cost Low Risk: $526,152

The Annual Plan 2023 to 2024 budget after changes will be $201,559,365.

Wānaka Lakefront Development Plan

$2.2M is proposed to be brought forward from the 2025-2026 year (year 5 of the 2021-2031 Ten Year Plan) to deliver Stage 5 of the Lakefront Development Plan earlier. Stage 5 will see the continuation of the shared pathway from the newly completed stage three through to the Yacht Club and further native revegetation for the area.

Pembroke Park Irrigation & Field Improvements

Proposed deferral until the 2024-2025 year (year 4 of the 2021-2031 Ten Year Plan) as an offset to allow for the advancement of the Wānaka Lakefront Development Plan project as described above. This will be re-scoped as part the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan process.

Arthurs Point to CBD Active Travel Route

The cost of this project is largely funded by the government’s Transport Choices Fund. The proposed scope of work has been reduced to more realistically reflect what is able to be delivered within the funding period.

Whakatipu Active Travel Low Cost Low Risk

Subsidised low cost low risk budget has been reinstated to align with Waka Kotahi funding.

Approved community grants

Total Grant Awarded 2023-2024

  • Baskets of Blessing Charitable Trust: $10,000

  • Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Queenstown: $5,000

  • Glenorchy Community Association: $10,000

  • Glenorchy Dark Skies Group: $7,500

  • Glenorchy Heritage Museum Group Inc: $1,500

  • Happiness House: $5,000

  • Hāwea Community Association: $5,000

  • Lake Hawea Community Centre: $5,000

  • Lake Hayes Estate and Shotover Country Community Association: $5,000

  • Latinos for New Zealand: $2,000

  • Mana Tāhuna Charitable Trust: $10,000

  • Queenstown branch of the NZ Deerstalkers Association: $6,000

  • Queenstown Harvest Community Gardens: $14,000

  • Startup Queenstown Lakes: $175,000

  • Te Kākano Aotearoa Trust: $5,000

  • The Kiwi Kit Community Trust: $8,000

  • The Lightfoot Initiative Charitable Trust: $15,000

  • Upper Clutha Historical Records Society Inc: $5,000

  • Upper Clutha Tracks Trust: $15,000

  • Upper Clutha Wilding Tree Group: $15,000

  • Uruuruwhenua Hauora: $5,000

  • Volunteer South – Central Lakes: $5,000

  • Wakatipu Community Foundation: $5,000

  • Wānaka Alcohol Group: $8,000

  • Whakatipu Wildlife Trust: $10,000