Road Safety and speed

Kā tikanga haumaru ā-huarahi

A number of permanent speed limit changes will be introduced across the district following the adoption of a new Speed Limits Bylaw in 2019.  

Improving the safety of our roads

As our district grows so too does the number and type of vehicles on the roads.  While we're also working on providing more transport choice to reduce peoples reliance on their car, lowering the speed limits play an important role in making our roads safer for everyone.  

Recent speed limit changes

The following new speed limits will come into effect on Thursday 27 August 2020:


The following new speed limits came into effect in May 2020:

  • Ballantyne Road (Riverbank Road to State Highway 6) – 60km/h (dropping from 80km/h)

  • Ballantyne Road (Golf Course Road to Riverbank Road) – 50km/h (dropping from 70km/h)


The following new speed limits came into effect in February 2020:

  • Within the Arrowtown Urban Boundary - reduced to 40km/hr

  • Aubrey Road (from Anderson Road intersection to Albert Town roundabout) - reduced to 60km/hr

  • Gorge Road (from Coronet Peak junction to Watties track juntion) - reduced to 50km/hr

  • Cardrona Valley Road (from township to distillery) - reduced to 80km/hr

  • Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights - reduced to 50km/hr

  • Arthur's Point urban area - reduced to 40km/hr

What changes are coming up

We'll take a staged approach to implementing the new speed limits, with roads considered to have a higher safety risk given a higher priority.   

As changes are made we'll engage with the police and communicate with the public  well ahead of time, to educate drivers of the speeds they should be traveling at in certain areas. 

All permanent speed limit changes will be in place by end of 21 November 2020.