Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Road naming

Whakaikoatia huarahi

Road names provide a clear identification of properties on that road for all users including residents, visitors, commercial services and, most importantly, emergency services. A named road also provides an address, which allows for the sale of the property.

  • When new roads are created through a subdivision or other development, they need to be named.

    All public roads need a road name.

    Names also need to be provided for a private road, private way, right of way or access lot, if six or more lots (or address sites) are accessed from it.

    Naming a road can also be a condition of a Resource Consent.

    Short cul-de-sacs or private roads with five or fewer lots, which are not proposed to be lengthened or have additional address sites, do not need to be named.

  • When new roads are created through a subdivision, and the resource consent is approved, the road-naming process should be started as soon as possible.

    All road names need to be approved prior to applying for a Section 223 RMA certificate.

  • The Road Name Policy has been created to establish guidelines and procedures for naming new roads or renaming old ones. The policy ensures that road names are consistent, culturally appropriate, and easy to navigate. 

    Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) also lays out information on addressing road naming standards and guidelines.

  • Once you have read QLDC's Road Naming Policy:

    1. Complete the Road Naming Application Form (downloadable below or from our Application Forms and Fees page).

    2. Make sure you have included all relevant supporting documentation and information:

      • Preferred name plus two alternatives listed in order of preference.

      • Legal description of the road and a copy of the

        subdivision plan highlighting the road.

      • A location map.

      • A background to the names, their origins and their link with the area with confirmation that the same name does not exist within the Queenstown Lakes District or within 30km of the Queenstown Lakes District boundary.

      • The applicants address and contact phone number.

      • Road naming application deposit fee. Note charges incurred will be charged at a pro rata basis and will therefore reflect the complexity of the application and information provided.

      • Signed copies of the APA (Affected Parties Approval) form, from each party affected by the proposed road name change, in cases where the subject road to be named has inhabited properties along it at the time of the application.

      • If APA is not received from all parties submissions from those parties will be provided with the application or evidence will be provided of written communication with or from the parties identifying that they are either not in support or are indifferent to the proposal and do not wish to comment.

    3. Submit your application form and supporting evidence as PDF documents by:


  • A list of names previously accepted by Council is available to the applicant on request.

    Because this list is frequently updated, please email Engineering Approval Applications for the most current version - 
