All residents are being asked to conserve water to avoid restrictions. Minimise sprinkler use & irrigation. Click for more tips on our water conservation page.

Changing Your Details

Panonihia ō taipitopito

It's important to let us know if you change your postal address or property details - find out how below.

Changing your postal address

We have recently introduced a quick and easy online form that you can fill out to change your address, check it out here.

There are a number of other ways to let us know if you change your address.

Write to us or complete the change of address form on the back of your rates invoice and send it to:  

Queenstown Lakes District Council
Private Bag 50072

Or contact us in any of the following ways:

Change of property ownership

When a property is sold, a 'notice of sale' must be provided to us by a solicitor within one month of the property transaction. 

This is a requirement by the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002.


Rates are a charge on a property, not a person.  This means that if there are any outstanding rates on a property at the time of purchase, they become the responsibility of the new owner.

The vendor’s solicitor will usually identify outstanding rates and negotiate the sale to ensure they are paid.

If you've received an overdue notice for rates accrued by a previous owner, please contact your solicitor to resolve the matter with the previous owners.


If you receive a rates notice after you have sold a property, it may mean that the Council has not been notified of the sale.  Please contact your solicitor to make sure we have been notified.

If you have been paying your rates by direct debit, please email the listed email below prior to settlement occurring to ensure the direct debit is cancelled promptly. In the email, please request the direct debit be cancelled.  Direct debits will also be cancelled when a sales notice has been received from your solicitor.

Change of name on a property

If you need to change information on a rates account due to a death, marriage or name change by deed pole, please contact your solicitor.  We require a Notice of Change of Ownership before any changes can be made to the account.

Our records must reflect those of Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Suppression of postal address information

A law change means that names and postal addresses on our rates database can be made available to the general public if it does not breach the principles of the Privacy Act 1993.

You have the right to have this information withheld. 

Please send a written request, including the property address and whether you wish to suppress name/s, the address or both, to: 

The Rating Administrator
Private Bag 50072