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Drey Tendron

"Love your body, believe in it and move it the way it deserves!"

From contemporary and hip-hop dance to aerial silks, I've navigated through a realm that demands strength, agility, and grace. But my journey doesn't stop there - I was also a dedicated bodybuilder, sculpting both my physique and mindset with every rep.

The mission? It's simple. I'm here to help you grow, not just in strength but in confidence too. I believe in the power of loving the skin you're in through building a strong mindset, and together, we'll unlock your true potential to a more powerful and confident you!

Drey's areas of expertise

  • Mobility and flexibility

  • Conditioning and sport specific strength

  • Weight loss/management

  • programme design

  • Wellness and body acceptance


  • Intensive contemporary dance course (Nantes Conservatory, France)

  • Certificate in Personal Training 

  • Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification - in progress


P: 027 582 5102