Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka will close from Sunday 16 March to Monday 17 March between midday (12.00pm) and 6.00am due to extreme risk of wildfire. Read our latest media release for further information.

The groundwork for all happiness is good health.

Deni is an accredited Exercise Physiologist specialising in the treatment, prevention and
management of chronic conditions and injuries.

She has worked with a wide range of conditions including muscle and joint injuries, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, chronic pain, mental health and neurological conditions.

Deni is passionate about using exercise and education to help people improve their health and
wellbeing. With an individualised approach, she will help you reach your goals and achieve great results.

Deni's areas of expertise

  • Pain management
  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Exercise for chronic conditions and diseases
  • Exercise for disabilities
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Mental health
  • Hydrotherapy.



  • Level 2 Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Sport and Exercise New Zealand
  • Bachelor of Exercise Science and Rehabilitation, University of Wollongong
  • Certificate III and IV in Fitness, TAFE NSW.



M: 022 182 4880