Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka will close from Sunday 16 March to Monday 17 March between midday (12.00pm) and 6.00am due to extreme risk of wildfire. Read our latest media release for further information.

Strength 101

Showing teens the essentials of strength training in a fun, social atmosphere.

Strength 101 is an eight-week, after-school strength training programme for teenagers.

Designed for beginners, our qualified gym coaches will tailor exercises to your fitness level.

Free pass! Attend all sessions and get a free swim and slide pass.

Who's it for?

Ages 13-18; no experience required.

When does it run?

Starting 20 February - Thursdays 4.00pm to 4.45pm

Where is it based?

Alpine Health and Fitness (Queenstown Events Centre) - we'll use the gym, group fitness studio and go outside.

How much  does it cost?

$42 (less than $6.00 a session!).

Great, how do I book?

Bookings will open 3 February for the next iteration. For more information drop by reception or contact:
03 450 9005