Dog Registration: You may receive delays in receiving a response due to the fact we've received so many enquiries and our system is playing catching up - rest assured, we're working through these requests as quickly as possible. Check out our dog registration page for more information.


Become a bodyweight master! A four week workshop to improve your calisthenics routine!

  • A calisthenics workshop to learn and develop the fundamentals of bodyweight strength training. Whether you’re working on your first pull up or the planche… this workshop is for you!

    Calisthenics101 is four weeks of bodyweight training. The course will cover technique, progression and how to become a bodyweight master!

  • Calisthenics101 will be held at Muscle Beach - the outdoor area of Alpine Health and Fitness.

  • The course starts Thursday 8 February.

    It will be held every Monday and Thursday from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.


  • Calisthenics101 is just $115 for four weeks of classes!

  • Online bookings are open. If you have any questions please drop by reception or contact either of the following:

    TEL: 03 450 9005 

    Register for an account to book.

    Login to your account and book.
