Wānaka residents are being asked to conserve water to avoid restrictions. Minimise sprinkler use & irrigation . Click for more tips on our water conservation page

Register for a transfer or refund of dog registration fee

Rēhita whitiwhiti, te whakahokinga moni mō te rēhitanga o kā kuri


Refunds will not be issued for transfers. Dog Control Act 1996, Section 49 (2) – Where any dog is transferred to and is kept, for a period of 1 month or more, in any territorial authority district other than that in which it has been kept, the owner shall, within 6 weeks of the transfer, give notice in writing of the transfer to the territorial authority in whose district the dog has been kept and to the territorial authority to whose district the dog is transferred, setting out the address at which the dog will ordinarily be kept.

Your refund will only be processed when accompanied by a bank deposit slip or other bank generated document that matches the details of the applicant applying for the refund.

Your Bank Details

Under the Dog Control Act 1996, a refund on the death of a dog is on a pro rata basis and is calculated at the rate of 1/12 for each complete month remaining in the registration year after the date of application for the refund. Your refund will only be processed when accompanied by a bank deposit slip or other bank generated document that matches the details of the applicant applying for the refund.