Rates & Property
- Setting the Rates
- Revaluation and how it affects rates
- Rates Dates & Payment Options
- Changing your details
- Property Information Search
- Online Rates Payments
- Rates Rebates, Remission & Postponement
- Short-Term Visitor Accommodation
- Queenstown CBD Transport Rate for Queenstown Town Centre Properties
- Wastewater Rates for Cardrona
- Other Information
- Rates FAQs
Rubbish & Recycling
- How we recycle in the Queenstown Lakes District
- Cut your waste
- Commercial Services
- Rubbish & Recycling Collection
- Recycling Centres
- Transfer Stations
- Solid Waste Assessment
- Waste Minimisation Community Fund
- Waste Minimisation for Businesses
- Zero Waste Events
- Green and food waste
- Construction and demolition waste
Resource Consents
- Do I need a resource consent?
- Change, extend or surrender a resource consent
- Before you apply
- Apply for a resource consent
- Non-compliance & monitoring
- Submitting on a notified resource consent
- Land Developments and Subdivisions
- Need help?
- Current resource consents
- eDocs
- FAQs
- Practice notes and guidance
Alcohol Licensing
- Alcohol Public Notices
- Find the right alcohol licence and apply
- Alcohol licence fee calculator
- Renew and/or vary your alcohol licence
- Manager's certificates
- Legal requirements for licence holders
- District Licensing Committee decisions
- ARLA annual report
- Alcohol-Free Areas In Public Places
- Have your say on alcohol licence applications
- All alcohol licensing forms
- Gambling Information
Do It Online
Do It Online
- Register your Dog
- Register for a transfer or refund of dog registration fee
- Renewal for Hairdressers, Campgrounds, and Offensive Trade Registrations
- Activities in a Public Place - Application Form
- Register as a Homestay
- Register as Residential Visitor Accommodation
- Register for our public notification list
- Register to speak at Public Forum
- Register for Kerbside Collection Services
- No Spray Register
Ngā Hapori
- Manaaki
- Summerdaze
- Welcoming Communities
- Arts, Culture and Heritage
- Community Connect
- Citizenship Ceremonies
- Community Associations and Groups
- Community Funding
- Community Research
- Community Wellbeing
- Economic Development
- Emergency Management
- Energy Saving Tips
- Event Planning and Venues
- Māori Community
- Managing the risk of wildfire
- Population and Demand
- Tuia Programme
- Venue Hire
- Winterdaze
Community Funding
Training opportunities and tips for preparing funding applications available now.
Kā mahi a te rēhia
- Queenstown Events Centre
- Wānaka Recreation Centre
- Paetara Aspiring Central
- Swim
- Learn to Swim
- Golf
- Kids' Recreation
- Sport & Rec Venues and Contacts
- Courts and Fields
- Memberships - Join Today
- Join the Sport & Rec Team
- Responsible Camping
- Parks and Walkways
- Lakes and Boating
- Mountain Biking
- Horse Riding
- Splash Café
- Physiotherapy
- Playgrounds
- School Holiday Programmes
Basketball @ QEC
Basketball begins on 8 April at QEC
Your Council
Your Council
Te Kaunihera ā-rohe
- News
- Newsletter Archive
- Careers
- Consultations
- Council Documents
- Council Meetings
- Climate Change and Biodiversity
- District Plan
- Elected Members
- Elections
- Major Projects
- Media Centre
- Privacy and official information requests
- Public Notices
- Sister Cities
- Our Strategic Framework
- Fast-track Approvals Act
Annual Plan 2025-2026
Find out what’s happening with Annual Plan 2025-2026.
Your Council
Council Documents
- Long Term Plan (LTP)
- Archived Agendas & Minutes
- Annual Plans
- Annual Reports
- Asset Management Plans
- Awarded Council Contracts
- Bylaws
- Capex Quarterly Update
- Monthly Reports
- National Policy Statement - Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD)
- Policies
- Pre-election reports
- Queenstown Lakes Spatial Plan
- Reserve Management Plans
- Section 10A Reports
- Small Community Plans
- Strategies and Publications
- Submissions from QLDC
District Plan
- Operative District Plan
- Proposed District Plan
- ePlans
- National Policy Statement-Urban Development (District Plan Amendments)
- Urban Intensification Variation
- Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation
- Private Plan Change Application - The Hills Resort Zone
- Upper Clutha Landscape Schedules Variation
- Priority Area Landscape Schedules
- Special Zones Review
- District Plan maps
- A Guide to Plan Changes
- Planning Matters - Planning & Development Newsletter
Invoice and Online Payment Terms
On this page you fill find the terms that apply to any invoice you receive from QLDC or to any online payment you make using our website.
"you" or "your"
Means you, the individual or company to whom we have issued an invoice or who selected a Service to pay for online via our website: www.qldc.govt.nz
"we", "us", "our" or "QLDC"
Means Queenstown Lakes District Council of 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown 9300.
These Terms cover any of services or costs you are required to pay to us, including but not limited, to the following:
a. Rates
Rates payments due to us.
b. Regulatory Fees
Any regulatory costs, fees or costs payable to us.
c. Fines or Infringement Notices
Any fines or infringement notices due or payable to us.
d. Property Fees
Any rental or any other property related costs, fees or expenses payable to us.
e. Hire Fees
Any hire fees for use of our venues or loan of our equipment.
f. Services
Any services we have provided to you in our corporate or regulatory capacity.
g. Online Services
Online services we supply to you via our website.
h. Damage Costs
Any costs you owe to us for damages you have caused to our assets and we hold you liable for.
i. Repairs
Any costs or fees for repairs we undertake for you on your behalf that we are not responsible for paying for.
j. Third Party Works or Services
Any works or services we or our approved contractors have performed for you that we are not responsible for paying for.
k. Anything Else
Any other service or otherwise as detailed in an invoice issued to you by us.
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You are deemed to have accepted these terms from the time you do the first of any one or more of the following:
a. Online Payment
Make a payment to us online.
b. Ordering Services
Place an order for services from us.
c. Submit Applications
Submit an application to us for regulatory or other service.
d. Pay an Invoice
Make payment to us in accordance with any invoice issued to you that contains reference to these terms.
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By making payment to us online (including by direct debit, bank transfer, or card payment), or using our online transaction services (together, the Online Payment Service), the following shall apply:
a. Website Terms and Privacy Policy
Our Website Terms of Use published at www.qldc.govt.nz together with our Privacy Policy (provided that, in the event of any conflict between any of the foregoing documents and these Terms, these Terms will apply).
b. Confirmation of Transaction
Upon completing a transaction using the Services, you will be redirected to a confirmation screen verifying the transaction details you wish to process.
c. Check information is correct
It is your responsibility to verify that all transaction information and other details are correct.
d. Incorrect Transaction Information
You must check that you are paying the correct invoice, enter the correct reference details and pay the correct amount. QLDC shall have no liability for transactions which are incorrect as a result of inaccurate data entry in the course of your use of the Services or for loss of data or information caused by factors beyond our control.
e. No Reversal
Once a payment has been made it cannot be cancelled unless you contact us in writing.
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By using our Online Payment Service, you warrant that you:
a. Age
Are aged 18 or over.
b. Authority
Have the appropriate authority to validly accept these Terms and meet your obligations in relation to these Terms.
c. Accuracy
Have supplied true and correct information.
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You may pay us by one of the following:
a. Credit or Debit Cards
You can pay us using a credit card or debit card using our third-party payment provider. This shall incur a transaction fee of 2% (or more as per current third-party payment merchant fees payable by us) in addition to the amount paid by you using the Services (or such other amount designated by us or our third-party payment provider from time to time.
b. Direct Credit
You can pay us via a direct credit to our bank account, the details of which will be specified on our invoice.
c. Direct Debit
Where we offer this option in your invoice, you can elect to set up a direct debit to pay us (this arrangement is subject to applicable authority being supplied to your nominated bank).
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Where you elect to pay an Invoice or for Services via debit or credit card, the following shall apply:
a. Contacting You
We, or our third-party payment provider, may contact you to confirm your credit card or debit card details.
b. Refusal and Reversal of Card Payments
QLDC accepts no responsibility for refusal or reversal of payments, which shall be a matter between you and your credit card or debit card issuer.
c. Third Party Processing
You acknowledge and accept that the credit card or debit card information supplied by you is processed by our third-party payment provider which may be via an external website.
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You must pay us the amount due and payable to use (plus GST, if any) either:
Due Date on the due date stated in an invoice; or
Immediately for certain online services you must pay us immediately if required via an Online Payment Service; or
Later at a later date if we have agreed otherwise in writing with you; or
Instalments by an instalment plan if we offer this to you.
Payment of amounts owing under an invoice issued to you which are due and payable must be made without set-off or deduction of any kind. You also agree that you will not be entitled to withhold payment in respect of any undisputed amount.
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By using any Online Payment Service, you agree:
To give us information we need, you will need to provide all relevant information through electronic means, in the format and to the standards described for each transaction; and
To collect information about you, you authorise QLDC to collect information about you (including information about transactions processed by you) from time to time through the Site for the purposes of collecting payment from you.
To allow us to retain certain information, you agree that that the information supplied by you will be retained in electronic form by us for record keeping and financial purposes; and
To receive communication electronically where you use an online payment service or supply us with your email address for an invoice, you consent to receive information from us through electronic means.
We confirm to you that any such information collected shall be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, the Privacy Act 2020 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
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If you think you require a correction or believe you have overpaid an invoice or online payment, follow the procedure below:
a. Email us
You can contact us by email to: accounts@qldc.govt.nz
b. Write to us
You may write to us at Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348.
c. Provide evidence of overpayment
Attach any screenshots, images, attachments or other evidence you have that can show us that you have paid more than the outstanding amount of an invoice.
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If you do not pay an invoice when due, then we may:
a. Charge your interest
We may charge you interest on the outstanding amount at 2.5% per annum (calculated daily and compounding monthly) until payment is made in full, except where QLDC has expressly designated a different rate, penalty, fee (or similar) in relation to the particular payment that is due (in any QLDC policy, agreement, or other document), in which case that expressly designated amount will be charged instead of interest at the rate specified in these Terms; and
b. Charge collection and legal costs
Where we need to use a third-party debt collection agency or use solicitors to recover an unpaid debt from you, we will charge you any collection costs and legal costs on a solicitor/own client basis; and
c. Suspend services
Where your account is in arrears and we do not have an ongoing dispute, we may suspend our supply of services to you (insofar as applicable).
These clauses apply without prejudice to any other rights we may have, including, without limitation, our rights under the Local Government Act 2002 and the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002).
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If you dispute the amount stated in an invoice, follow the procedure below:
a. Email us
You must inform us by email to accounts@qldc.govt.nz of the dispute before the Due Date specified on an invoice.
b. Pay us what you do not dispute
You must pay us the undisputed amounts owing by the Due Date in accordance with these terms.
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If the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (Act) applies to your use of any services to which an invoice or Online Payment relates, then nothing in these Terms limits any rights you have under the Act.
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As we are a local government, the following terms apply to us:
a. Local Government Act
By paying us an invoice or using our online payment service, you acknowledge that we are a territorial authority under the Local Government Act 2002 and must, at all times, act in compliance with that Act and any other relevant legislation (including, for example, the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002).
b. Statutory Rights
To the extent that any of our rights or obligations under these Terms conflict with any of our statutory rights or obligations, our statutory rights or obligations will override these Terms to the extent reasonably necessary for us to remain compliant with the relevant statute.
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Wherever you are based when you pay us an invoice or pay for an online service, the following applies:
a. Law
These Terms, and any claims arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual claims), will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand.
b. Jurisdiction
We irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand for any matter arising under or relating to these Terms or their subject matter or formation or the relationships established by them (including non-contractual claims).
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We will not be deemed to have waived any right under these Terms unless the waiver is in writing.
A failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right by us under these Terms will not operate as a waiver of that right. Any such waiver will not constitute a waiver of any subsequent or continuing right or of any other provision in these Terms.
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We may change these Terms at any time without notice to you by updating them on our website.
The revised terms will take effect when they are updated and shall apply to the invoice or online service you pay for as at the date any changes take effect.
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