Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka will close from Sunday 16 March to Monday 17 March between midday (12.00pm) and 6.00am due to extreme risk of wildfire. Read our latest media release for further information.

Temporary road closures for events

If you need to close a road for an event you will need to apply for a Temporary Road Closure.

Why this is in place

QLDC needs to assess your application and the affects.

It is a requirement under the Local Government Act 1974 that all Temporary Road Closures (TRC) be advertised in the local newspapers and the cost and time spent processing this application will be charged back to you, the applicant.

How to apply for a TRC

Fill in the below application form, have a read of the Temporary Road Closure Policy Guideline and make sure the below documents are included with your application -  

  • Application form.
  • Cover Letter advising details of application, include alternative roads if applicable.
  • Location Map of area outlining the roads to be closed.
  • Authorisation from the Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (if State Highway).
  • Arrangements for suitable rubbish/refuse abatement measures for the duration of the road closure.
  • Detailed information on who and how affected parties have been advised. Any concerns these affected parties have must be identified and addressed.

Key Contacts

For more information, please refer to the contacts below.

QLDC Roads:

NZTA Roads (State Highways):