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Wednesday, 29 January 2025
New Town Centre Arterial Road opens
The road opened today as expected, following a blessing ceremony onsite this morning.

The Queenstown Town Centre Arterial Road has opened today as expected, following a blessing ceremony onsite this morning.
At this morning’s blessing ceremony, Queenstown Lakes District Mayor Glyn Lewers spoke to the benefits of the new road and thanked the community for their ongoing patience throughout the construction process.
“Opening the arterial road is another key step to transform the Queenstown Town Centre and improve the way we move around Whakatipu.”
“This is the first stage of a much bigger picture and I’m looking forward to the early benefits coming to life. The new link will help to reduce traffic in the town centre and unlock benefits such as improved access for public transport, opportunities for more people friendly streets and space for the town centre to grow and flourish.”
“We’ll continue to lobby for funding to complete the full route, which will ensure we can realise the full benefits of creating space for full town centre transformation and transport improvements.”
“It’s been arguably the most complex project we’ve ever delivered and it’s safe to say it has taken longer and cost more than we expected - but we know this investment is an important one for our future.”
“I do acknowledge that it’s been a challenging and disruptive time for local residents and businesses and both QLDC and the Kā Huanui a Tāhuna team appreciates the ongoing patience and open dialogue,” Mayor Lewers said.
The blessing ceremony was also an opportunity to acknowledge the Kāi Tahu narratives and values incorporated into stunning artworks included on the precast concrete retaining walls along the new road.
The stunning visuals were developed by Kāi Tahu artists Paulette Tamati-Elliffe, Jennifer Rendall, James York and Marlon Williams, under the Design Lead of Keri Whaitiri. Elements were designed in conjunction with students from the St Josephs school .
Speaking about the project, Paulette Tamati-Elliffe said, “The cultural designs on these retaining walls reflect our intergenerational connections to the inland area, depicting our whakapapa (genealogy), traditional names, mahika kai (food gathering) and flora and fauna that holds great relevance to Kāi Tahu.
“It’s important we bring our cultural narratives to the forefront, to not only share with our wider community and manuhiri (visitors), but to ensure our tamariki (children), mokopuna (grandchildren) and future generations recognise themselves in the towns and cities that they live and thrive in, connecting their knowledge of our oral histories, handed down through generations to the visual aspects of the built environment.”
Drivers are asked to take care while getting used to the new road layout in central Queenstown. There are several changes to be aware of:
New traffic signals at the following intersections
Gorge Road / Henry Street
Sydney / Melbourne Street
Melbourne Street / Frankton Road
Access changes for Melbourne Street and Frankton Road:
Right turn into Melbourne Street from Frankton Road.
Left turn out of Melbourne Street onto Frankton Road only.
Access changes for Upper Beetham Street:
Left turn out of Upper Beetham Street onto Melbourne Street.
Pedestrian access:
Pedestrian ramp access from upper Ballarat Street.
Stair access from lower Ballarat Street, upper Malaghan Street, and lower Beetham Street.
All changes to the road layout are outlined in a new video found on the QLDC You Tube page.
While the main route of the arterial road is now open, work will continue on the side roads. This includes constructing a turning circle on Malaghan Street and lower Beetham Street, reconstructing lower Ballarat Street between Stanley Street and the Arterial Road, including a plaza area and final landscaping. Pedestrian access in these areas will be closed while the work is underway.
Work will also recommence at Lower Ballarat Street / Stanley Street intersection to complete the final stormwater upgrade associated with this project. More information can be found here
The Arterial Road stage 1 project is co-funded by a $50m contribution from the Government’s Infrastructure Reference Group (IRG) fund.
Media contact: communications@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 1802.
FURTHER INFORMATION | Kā pāroko tāpiri
The Arterial Road is a key enabling project for the Queenstown Town Centre. Stage 1 will link Melbourne and Henry Streets, providing locals and visitors to Queenstown with an alternative route to the town centre, and easier access towards Arthurs Point. It unlocks a range of other benefits, including:
Improved access for public transport.
Opportunities for more people-friendly streets
Reduced car traffic in the town centre.
More space for the town centre to grow and support new commercial developments that benefit from more people-friendly streets.
Improved public spaces in the town centre.
The new section of road linking Melbourne Street to Henry Street will be named Henry Street.
For more information visit www.qldc.govt.nz/town-centre-arterial-road