Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka will close from Sunday 16 March to Monday 17 March between midday (12.00pm) and 6.00am due to extreme risk of wildfire. Read our latest media release for further information.

Friday, 17 May 2024

Town Centre Arterial Road Project Update

Check out the latest update on the Town Centre Arterial Road project.

Arterial Update Banner

Kia ora Queenstown Lakes,

We hope you have been keeping warm as we start to move into the colder season.

Over the past few months, our crews have focused on several key areas and successfully completing some significant milestones. They have finished the final link of the water main pipe from Frankton Road to Gorge Road. Part of our work will now move within our designated construction site for the time being.

Additionally, the structural paving on Melbourne Street is also finished on both sides of the road, and the temporary road line markings are down. Just a heads up, the crews will return in Spring or early summer to complete the final asphalt surface and apply the permanent line marking on the road. While construction is ongoing, our footprint has significantly reduced, opening up the northern side of Melbourne Street exit with a left turn only onto Frankton Road.

The structures team are also approaching a significant milestone with final works occurring on the wall by St Joseph School and Church.

Dublin Street is now accessible with two-way traffic in place. This new layout is designed to facilitate the ongoing work at the intersection of Sydney and Melbourne Street which is expected to finish at the end of June.

Here are some key highlights:

Upper Suburb Street

Is open. Access is left turn in from Frankton Road, and left turn out onto Frankton Road. This traffic layout will remain unchanged until we return in Spring to install a flush cobblestone threshold and crossing.

Frankton Road

The construction work has now moved to the lake side of the road.

We are progressing with the remaining underground three waters work.

We’ve completed linking the stormwater crossings and will shortly begin linking the wastewater crossings on Frankton Road.

Following LUMA, there will be a couple of evenings of night works on Frankton Road to fix potholes on the pre-existing asphalt, raise a manhole to the height of the new road and cap an unused pipe. A notice will be distributed to neighbouring properties shortly with more information.

Lower Suburb Street

We have installed a 475mm stormwater pipe that links to the already installed manhole and storm filter.

Our next phase of work is kerb and above ground preparations from Veint Crescent towards Frankton Road. A notice will be distributed to neighbouring properties shortly with more information.

Dublin Street

Dublin Street is now accessible with two-way traffic in place. This new layout is designed to facilitate the ongoing work at the intersection of Sydney and Melbourne Street.

Dublin Street will revert to a left turn in only once the Sydney/Melbourne intersection work is completed, to ensure that the work continues on the lake side of Frankton Road.

We will then return in Spring to install flush cobblestone threshold and crossing.

Melbourne Street

Paving of the structural asphalt is complete. We will be returning in Spring/early Summer to complete the final asphalt surface, approximately 60mm.

Garden bed preparation work is progressing well.

Footpath preparations are ongoing and are expected to be complete next week.

Beetham Street

The last bit of work linking the main water pipe from Frankton Road to Gorge Road is complete.

The structures team are approaching a significant milestone with final works occurring on the wall by St Joseph School and Church.

We are working closely with the church and school to provide as much space as possible for the upcoming book fair on Sunday 19 May.

Henry Street/Malaghan Street/Ballarat Street

Decorative and structural wall continue to be installed on Henry Street, Malaghan Street and Ballarat Street and look stunning.

Below are some photos illustrating the work that is taking place.

Wall on Ballarat Street

Wall on Henry Street

Second asphalt layer applied on Melbourne Street

As always, our top priority is the safety of all residents and commuters, so we kindly ask for you to please follow the traffic and pedestrian signs and take extra care at all times. We will keep you informed of any updates or adjustments to this schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me, or contact QLDC customer services on 03 441 0499 or email:

For more information on the Town Centre Arterial project, please visit