Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Thursday, 05 October 2023

QLDC confirms boil water notice lifted for Kelvin Heights and Frankton

QLDC has confirmed the boil water notice for its Kelvin Heights water distribution zone has been lifted with immediate effect.

QLDC Boil Water Notice Web News Updates 8 Sep23

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has confirmed the boil water notice for its Kelvin Heights water distribution zone – also including Frankton, Hanley’s Farm, Quail Rise and Tucker Beach Rd – has been lifted with immediate effect.

QLDC General Manager Property & Infrastructure Tony Avery said residents, visitors and businesses in these areas can now use tap water normally after the water services regulator Taumata Arowai gave the go ahead around 6.00pm yesterday evening.

“No further work at the Kelvin Heights plant was required at that stage but it was too late in the day for a comprehensive, co-ordinated community update,” he said.

“However, Mayor Lewers and I conducted radio interviews at the earliest opportunity this morning. The message has gone out via social media and the dedicated page on our website has been updated with a revised map showing the areas where the boil water notice has been lifted and – importantly – where it still applies.”

Mr Avery requested that all households and businesses in areas where the boil water notice has now been lifted let their taps run for at least a minute to ensure lateral pipes are flushed and to help with network turnover, particularly as water usage has likely been reduced since the notice was issued.

“Whilst many people in Kelvin Heights and Frankton will now be able to once again drink and use water straight from the tap, many more living and working closer to Queenstown must still boil theirs. We understand the impact this is having on our businesses, residents and visitors. Huge thanks to them for their ongoing patience while we continue working to meet the requirements of Taumata Arowai’s compliance order,” said Mr Avery.

Areas where the boil water notice still applies include Queenstown town centre; Gorge Rd out to and including Industrial Place; Fernhill; Sunshine Bay; and Queenstown Hill above Frankton Rd out to and including Goldridge Way and Goldrush Way.

“Whilst testing of the water supply in these areas continues to return negative results, as Council and other agencies have pointed out, crypto is a very difficult bug to test for. The source still has not been identified and may never be known. We need to reinforce for now the need for people to adhere to the requirements of the boil water notice where it still applies.

“Our priorities throughout this time have been to protect public health and meet the requirements of Taumata Arowai’s compliance order so the whole community can get back to using tap water. I would also stress the importance of good hand hygiene in all parts of the district to minimise the risk of secondary infection.”

More details about the proposed temporary solution for Council’s Two Mile water supply plant will be shared soon.

“This temporary solution will meet the requirements of the current compliance order from Taumata Arowai. Hence we look forward to lifting the boil water notice from all remaining neighbourhoods once this is in place,” said Mr Avery.

Advice from Te Whatu Ora to minimise the risk of secondary infection is as follows:

  • Wash your hands with lots of soap and water for at least 20 seconds and then dry them thoroughly on a clean towel.

  • Do not rely on hand sanitizer as this is not effective against cryptosporidium.

  • If someone in your household has cryptosporidiosis, ensure all surfaces, including door handles, are cleaned regularly with a cleaning product that contains hydrogen peroxide. Chlorine based products do not work against cryptosporidium and bleach-based products are not as effective.


Media contact: or call 03 441 1802.

FURTHER INFORMATION | Kā pāroko tāpiri:

Feedback opportunity

QLDC is inviting feedback from residents and businesses in the affected area on their understanding of the boil water notice and to suggest ways of engaging and other information needs. Anyone interesting in providing this is welcome to do so via 

General information about how to stop the spread of cryptosporidium and what to do if you have symptoms provided by NPHS Southern:

The best thing you and your whānau can do to stop the spread of cryptosporidium (crypto) infection is to practise good hand hygiene. This means scrubbing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and drying them thoroughly with a clean towel:

After using the bathroom, changing a diaper, or helping others use the bathroom

  • Before eating or cooking

  • After handling an animal

  • After gardening, even if you used gloves

  • When caring for someone with diarrhoea

Other ways to help stop the spread of cryptosporidium infection are:

  • Stay home or keep young children home when you or they have an active case of diarrhoea

  • Don’t drink untreated water

  • Clean all surfaces, including door handles, regularly with a cleaning product that contains hydrogen peroxide.

  • Chlorine based products do not work against cryptosporidium and bleach based products are not as effective.

  • Shower before using recreational swimming facilities to wash away any potential Cryptosporidium organisms on your body.

  • Don’t swallow pool water or spa pool water.

  • Wash all produce before eating it. Peeling the skins will also reduce your risk.

  • Take young children at the pool to the bathroom frequently.

  • Change children’s diapers often.

  • Stay clear of the water if you or your children have diarrhoea. Stay out of the water for a full two weeks after the diarrhoea subsides.

What to do if you have symptoms

If you live or work in the Queenstown area, currently are visiting or have visited since 18 August and are experiencing these symptoms, please call your family doctor or Healthline on 0800 611 116 for free advice from a registered nurse 24 hours a day 7 days a week.