Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Summary of submissions released on proposed plan change to support affordable housing

QLDC has released a summary of submissions received on proposals to introduce inclusionary housing rules into the Proposed District Plan.


Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has released a summary of submissions received on proposals to introduce inclusionary housing rules into the Proposed District Plan (PDP).

Council received 181 written submissions on the proposed plan change in October and November last year, and has identified more than 1,000 summary points. Copies of the original submissions and a summary of the decisions requested are available to view via Council’s website.

The proposed plan change, as notified, would require most new residential subdivisions and developments to pay an affordable housing financial contribution to be collected by Council and provided to Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust (QLCHT) or another community housing provider.

QLDC General Manager Planning & Development Tony Avery acknowledged housing was one of the biggest challenges currently faced by the local community.

“Housing lays at the heart of building secure, connected and caring communities, in turn creating jobs and a diverse economy,” he said.

“The Queenstown Lakes currently has well-documented issues with housing supply and affordability which continue to create barriers for many folk who wish to call the district home. These are people that local businesses desperately need.”

“Council’s proposed plan change is a proactive move to support low-to-moderate income earners, helping to attract and retain skilled workers. It will help people stay local rather than living further away in cheaper locations and having to commute long distances.”

The opportunity to make further submissions on the proposed plan change is open to anyone who has already made a submission or parties with an interest greater than that of the general public. These must relate to specific matters raised through the first round of submissions. The period for further submissions closes on Thursday 23 February.

A public hearing will be scheduled later this year. Anyone will be able to attend but only people who have made a submission (or further submission) will be allowed to speak.

The hearing panel will be made up of Councillors and independent commissioners. This will be followed by a decision from Council. Any appeals will be heard by the Environment Court.

All formal submissions and a summary of feedback can be viewed on Council’s website at which also includes information on how to make a further submission.


Media contact: or call 03 441 1802.

FURTHER INFORMATION | Kā pāroko tāpiri:

Government guidance on further submissions: Further submissions on RMA planning proposals | Ministry for the Environment

Full details of the proposed Inclusionary Housing Plan Change can be found at

The proposed financial contribution will not apply in the following areas. This is because a pre-existing agreement to provide affordable housing contributions has already been made with developers:

  • Jacks Point (including Hanleys Farm), Bullendale, Coneburn, Arrowtown Retirement Village, Northlake, Queenstown Country Club, Longview, Hikuwai, Riverside Park, Peninsula Bay, Allenby Farms, Quail Rise, Shotover Country, Homestead Bay, Tomasi.

Summary of how the proposed contribution would work:

The proposed affordable housing financial contribution would be payable either at the time of residential subdivision approval and/or when building consent is issued for a new build (including apartments in business and mixed use areas). The contribution will not be applied to residential flats located on an existing house site).

The proposed contribution for a subdivision would be:

New subdivisions that create vacant residential lots within existing urban areas.


5% of the additional serviced lots created, to be provided to the Council as either a transfer of land or as an equivalent monetary contribution.


Residential subdivisions in a Settlement Zone, Rural-Residential Zone, Wakatipu Basin Rural Amenity Zone Lifestyle Precinct or Special Zone.


1% of the anticipated sales value of the additional lot(s), as defined in the proposed provisions.



The proposed contribution for a new house in urban areas would depends on whether a contribution has already been paid by the developer that completed the subdivision. 

Where new houses are to be built on lots that have not already been subject to an affordable housing contribution (for example building on a vacant lot that was created before the proposed rules come into effect), the contribution would be the lesser of either:

  • 2% of the anticipated sales value of the additional house(s) created; or

  • a set rate of $150 per square metre of the net increase in residential floorspace.

For example, a new house on a vacant lot with a floor area of 150m2 and estimated value of $800,000 would trigger a contribution of $16,000.

A $1.5 million new house with a floor area of 250m2 would trigger a contribution of $30,000.